Lorenzo is now one week old! It's been a busy first week of life for the little guy. He's already been to the doctor. The dr. said he is doing great. He has a little bit of jaundice but nothing to worry about. He wants to see him again next week. He is eating like a champ and starting to stay awake for longer periods of time. It's so fun to watch his little facial expressions and his personality come to life. I'm actually getting some sleep. He is letting me sleep for 2-3 hours straight at night, waking up to feed, be changed and goes back to sleep. I just hope he keeps that up! I'll be posting some more pictures soon. I promise!
Rayna seems to be adjusting ok. Of course she just wants me a lot of the time. I'm trying to make sure I spend time with her every day. Yesterday we planted some seeds to grow in little pots. She helped me mix up the soil, and put the seeds in the pots. We planted tomatoes, chives, oregano, basil, and marigolds. She can't wait to watch them grow and plant them in the garden. Stacey and everyone at the Arboretum would be so proud! Randy had her digging out in the garden the other day, pulling out the old tomato plants and putting stuff in the compost bin.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It's a Boy!!
Lorenzo Thomas Gaytan
Born: May 17, 2008 at 12:49 p.m. at Athens Regional Medical Center in Athens, GA Weight: 8 lbs. Length: 20 inches
Hair: Dark and curly Eyes: Blue
He is beautiful and healthy. Rayna is a very proud big sister. Mom and baby are doing great. Labor didn't go too long about 6-8 hours. I am very proud to say that I did it all naturally without any pain medications. That was a big goal for me and one that I am very proud to say that I accomplished
Randy's parents made
It's always worth it in the end. It amazes me every time I think about the incredible miracle of bringing a new little human life into this world. It just makes me in awe of the Creator Himself! WOW! How can anyone ever doubt that there is a God after you look into your newborn's beautiful face! It truly is an awesome event that words can't even describe.
Stay tuned for more updates and pictures!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Another Adventure
Happy Belated Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! I had every intention of posting on Mother's Day but I got a little side-tracked. Just to let you know, I am fine and the baby is fine. I tripped over the dog Sunday night and dislocated my left knee. I haven't done that since high school. I fell on my face and left side so I didn't land on the baby. We spent most of the night in the ER. They took xrays of my knee which turned out to be fine, no damage. They monitored the baby for an hour and it's fine, moving good and everything. My knee is just really sore. Like it wasn't difficult to walk before, now I have a bum knee. It feels better today. So hopefully by the time I go into labor my knee will be better. Rayna was a real trooper the whole time. Of course she was making friends with all of the nurses.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Progress and wiggly worms
We are getting closer to the due date!!! I'm so excited. I had another ultrasound today. It was really cool to see how much the baby has grown. You can really see the features. We got a good picture of the baby's face sticking it's tongue out. The good news is that the head is down but that also means that it has been kicking me in the ribs!! It really hurts! This baby is definitely going to be bigger than Rayna! I am progressing. I am now 2 cm/60% so at least things are moving in the right direction. I'm getting a massage on Saturday so maybe she can hit those labor pressure points and get labor going. That would be nice!
I took Rayna to story time at the library yesterday. They were doing a special presentation on composting. They had a composting bin with worms there to show the kids. Of course Rayna is the only kid that would actually hold a worm. That's my girl! My friends at the Arboretum would be so proud. I think she wants a worm for a pet now. She thinks they are cute.
I took Rayna to story time at the library yesterday. They were doing a special presentation on composting. They had a composting bin with worms there to show the kids. Of course Rayna is the only kid that would actually hold a worm. That's my girl! My friends at the Arboretum would be so proud. I think she wants a worm for a pet now. She thinks they are cute.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Maternity Pics
Well with only 3 more weeks to go I am really feeling it! I am just about ready to have this baby. Earlier this week I had some maternity photos taken of my big belly. It's something I wanted to do with Rayna but never did. So I thought it would be something special just for this baby. For those of you that are familiar with the 2 year pictures I had done of Rayna, the same photographer did my maternity ones. I don't have them back yet but they did post some to their blog. So go and check out the link and see my big round belly. We got some really cute ones of all three of us and Rayna kissing my belly and loving on the baby. After you click on the link, just click the blog and you're there!
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