Little Man (Lorenzo) is now three weeks old. He had his new born pictures taken today. He did great, slept the entire time. He did manage to both poop and pee on Daddy. I can't wait to see the pictures. I know she got some good shots.
I have manage to survive my first week by myself with both kids. It went pretty good. I actually went to the store with both kids. I'm even getting a shower in on most days. I'm still trying to adjust and get into a routine. Needless to say, Rayna has been watching a little more tv than I usually let her watch. At least most of it is educational, Sesame Street, Curious George. She has started watching Yo, Gabba, Gabba. It's actually not a bad show. Of course, she always has to watch Backyardigans. She has already informed me that she wants a Backyardigans birthday party.
I know, I know, I need to post some more pictures. Easier said than done. Soon I promise! Maybe tomorrow after I get some more sleep. Speaking of sleep, I'm going to try and get some before little man wakes up and wants to eat again.