I can't believe it is July already and Rayna will be turning 3 years old!! Where has the time gone!!! Lorenzo is almost 7 weeks old. He had his first big car trip last weekend. We went up to Tenn. to Randy's parents to get Rayna. She spent the week with them. It was the first time she had ever been away from both Randy and I. She did great and even told everyone that she was never going home! Well, how can we compete with a swimming pool, going to the movies and the aquarium??
It is nice to have her home again. I missed my baby girl!
I finally cut Rayna's hair a couple of weeks ago. We had a Mommy and Rayna day and I took her to the salon to get it cut. It was her first hair cut. It looks good. Now it isn't hanging in her face all the time. She looks like such a big girl now!
Lorenzo is getting bigger every day. He is now wearing 3-6 months clothes and at this rate he won't be in them long. He is

even letting me sleep for 3-4 hours straight at night. He is really starting to smile now and will turn his head when you call his name. I got his birth announcements back today but they have to be reprinted. Our last name was spelled wrong. I can't wait to send them out. They turned out really awesome! Frankie is even going to use Lorenzo's pictures and one of my maternity pictures for her display. Rayna is already on their business cards. We will be famous all over Athens!!
I have to share with you this rare and beautiful moment. After we got home from Tenn. Sunday night it rained for maybe 20 minutes. It was near dusk but the sun came back out. I was putting Rayna to bed when Randy came and got us and told us to go outside. And what an awesome sight we saw! A full arc rainbow with another faint one over the top, so a double rainbow all the way across the sky. I can't really even describe to you the color of the sky. It was like this pinkish/purple

color. We tried to get pictures but the rainbow was so big I'm not sure if Randy was able to get it all in.
What an awesome reminder of God's promises to us and a glimpse into His awesome, indescribable beauty. I can only imagine that maybe, just maybe, that is what the sky will look like when He comes again in His clouds of glory. I was just in awe of this rare but marvelous sight. And what a great teaching moment I had with Rayna about God's promise to never cover the earth again with water and to show her God's wondrous beauty. I have seen a lot of rainbows, but never one like this. It is so rare that you see a full rainbow, let alone a double one!

It really was a great reminder that Jesus is coming again very soon!!