Happy Halloween! Lorenzo was a fireman and Rayna was a ninja. We went trick o' treating in our neighbor. After every house Rayna kept asking, "Are we going to get some more candy?" This is the first Halloween she really gets it. She got to wear her costume to school today for her Halloween party. So at least I am getting my money's worth out of it. Here are some pictures of the kids. There is one of all of us to our annual trip to the pumpkin farm. This has become quite the tradition in our family. We have been going since Rayna was a baby. This year she picked out her pumpkin all by herself. Of course she picks out the biggest one she can find, a 40 pound one! We named it "Big Eddie". It's so big it won't even stand up straight. So Rayna decides to ride it like a horse. Here are some pics of Rayna in her costume with her "boyfriend" Ian. Ian is our neighbor that she hangs out with all the time.
Many of you have asked me, "What is Montessori?", since that is the school we have Rayna in. I have now provided a link to the right that you my click on "Montessori Way" and you may discover for yourself the philosophy of Montessori. This type of educational/life training really does make sense once you understand it. Rayna is doing really well in school. She likes it a lot. We have parent/teacher conferences in two weeks, so we will really get to see what she has been doing.
We took some new family pictures over the weekend. Please check them out on the Stylized Portraiture blog. Click on the blog link to the right on this blog and scroll down to The Family in Red. That's us! I love the one of me and Rayna and the one of Rayna and Lorenzo. Enjoy!!!
As for all of you that are wondering about the butternut squash soup, it was delicious! I made it today for dinner. Rayna even eagerly ate it up. Lorenzo was eying it like he wanted some too. It made the house smell really good too. I ended up making him a bowl of rice cereal. Yes, he is eating solid food already. He had two bowls of rice cereal today. I was trying to hold out a little longer to at least 5 months old to start him on solids but he has just been so interested in food. He started throwing a fit tonight because he saw Rayna and I eating and he didn't have anything. Thus, the second bowl of cereal.
Mystery solved about where Rayna got the idea to call the box her "underground house". It is from one of her books called "The Gruffalo". In the book the fox goes to his "underground house". And here I thought she was making a reference to Digital Underground, silly me!!
If you have not checked out this blog, you really should. She has got some great recipes. I was just wondering about doing fall squash in the crock pot and here is a easy recipe. I will be making this tonight as Randy is out of town. He does not like acorn or butternut squash so I can have it when he is not around. :)
Well I am once again on my own this weekend as Randy is with his dad at the races. Yeehaw! But I had some pretty cool things happened to me today. The first one I'll tell you about was when I was giving Lorenzo a bath. Rayna was helping me by washing his legs and feet then she says, "Don't forget to wash the booty. Mommy, Lorenzo has a boo boo on his booty." I asked her to show me where and she pointed to his penis. I just about died laughing. I told her that is where he goes pee pee and we call that a penis. But in true Rayna fashion she immediately made up her own name, "peeme". I was wondering how long it was going to be before she noticed that he has different parts then her. She comes up with some of the craziest names for things.
Yesterday I bought her a new car seat since little man is almost too big for the infant carrier. So of course she has been playing with the big box it came in. She named it her "underground" house. I don't think she got the name from the Atlanta Underground, since she has only been there once when she was about 10 months old. I think she actually came up with it from Randy teaching her Digital Underground songs, "Humpty Dance" comes to mind as one. Which of course brings up the question of "Is Tupac really dead?" Another story for another time.
Last but certainly not least, the best thing Rayna said to me today was, "Mommy, I want to go to heaven today. Today Mommy, can we please go to heaven?" Isn't that just the sweetest thing ever. We were listening to the radio and the song "I can only imagine" by Mercy Me came on. I was sitting on the bed just holding Rayna and listening to the song because I love this song. It is the best song ever. Ok, I figured out how to add the video from YouTube directly to my blog. Please click play to hear this awesome inspiring song. If you have not heard this song, please see this link to their video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S70gwFcSK9k Don't forget to turn up the volume on this one!!!
So I was explaining to Rayna what it was going to be like in heaven when Jesus comes to take us home. That in heaven, we will get to play with all the animals, lions, monkeys, hippos, etc and eat good food and of course see Jesus. I said to her, "Don't you want to go to heaven and see and do all those things. Won't that be fun!!" She just looked up at me with those big blue eyes of hers and asks, "Can we go to heaven today? I want to see Jesus." Oh, if only we could see through the eyes of a child and make everything that simple!!! What a humbling experience that was for me, reminding me that I am a child of God and that our goal, no matter what, is heaven. I was already crying because every time I hear this song it makes me cry but after she said that I started crying even harder. "Me too." I told her. "I wish we could go today. I really wish we could. But someday really soon, we will be in heaven with Jesus." Oh how I can't wait for that day to come!! So tonight, I will leave you with these thoughts: Do you want to go to heaven too? What do you think heaven will be like? Can you imagine what it is going to be like to see Jesus for the first time and be able to spend time with Him? Will you sing halluliah or in awe of Him be still? What will your heart feel? Will you be able to speak at all? Can you only Imagine? I can only imagine.......
i can only imagine
I can only imagine what it will be like When I walk by Your side I can only imagine what my eyes will see When Your face is before me I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory What will my heart feel Will I dance for your Jesus Or in awe of You be still Will I stand in Your presence Or to my knees will I fall Will I sing hallelujah Will I be able to speak at all I can only imagine I can only imagine
I can only imagine when that day comes And I find myself standing in the Son I can only imagine when all I will do Is forever, forever worship You I can only imagine I can only imagine
I can only imagine When all I will do Is forever, forever worship You