I can't believe it's already Feb. I really need to do a better job posting to my blog. Ok, I'll admit it, my obsession is Facebook. It's been fun finding old friends on there and getting back in touch with people.
Well at 8 1/2 months Lorenzo is crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. He is into everything as

well. oh, no, he just tried to crawl over Rayna's Dora Doll house!!! He still has no teeth though. I'm not sure what is up with that. You would think by now that he would have some teeth. We did take the kids to their first UGA basketball game a few weekends ago. That was a lot of fun. We had really great seats, 4th row on the floor. Rayna really enjoyed herself. She espe

cially like the Dancedawgs and cheerleaders. She was in the aisle trying to do the dances and cheers. She made mama proud. She's actually pretty

good. Then we came home and watched the Miss America pagant. She liked seeing all the pretty girls. This weeks we are going to see the Gymdogs, UGA gymnastics. She is pretty excited about it. We've been taking her to see the Gymdog

s since she was only like a year and half years old. She is still doing really well at her gymnastics classes. I had signed Lorenzo up for a class but they had to cancel it due to not enough people. :(
I've been meaning to put up pictures of Rayna playing in the snow in MI but I haven't downloaded them yet. So some old pics that I found will have to do. Enjoy!