Who needs to go to MI when it snows 6 inches in Georgia? Yes, that's right folks, on S

unday, March 1, 2009 we received more than 6 inches of snow. It was the big, fat wet kind that sticks to everything making it really pretty. Rayna was beside herself. She thought it was crazy that it was snowing in GA. She told me, "Mom

my, this is crazy! It doesn't snow in Georgia. It only snows in Michigan." At least I got to use my 4wd on the truck. I think I might have been a lit(A21AS2Zqz1qwqaa3w21esw1sqqqqqwq1q1)that was Lorenzo trying to Blog. Anyways, I think I was crazy for going driving in a snow storm with a bunch of rednecks.
So of course on Monday everything was shut down. Randy's plant w

as even

closed. I'm just glad I kept the snow pants I borrowed from Angie when we were in MI so she had something to wear. Of course we were the only ones in the neighborhood with a snow shovel. It was very amusing to watch people shovel with a garden shovel. She played all day in the snow, making snow angels, rolling in it and her favorite part, eating it.
It was the best snow for making snowman and snowballs. I actually got the dog to chase and retrieve a snowball! Poor dog didn't know what to make of the white stuff. Well it was fun while it lasted but I am glad to see it gone. And to think that it is supp

osed to be 80 degrees this weekend!! I am glad that Rayna got to experience snow. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience to see that much snow here. I think Randy even enjoyed shoveling!