Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I would love to win one of these for Rayna!

Win a pettiskirt thanks to @shopadorabelle – over at by @HeatherL – Pettiskirts are magical!

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Show Must Go On!

Here we are, once again it is Monday. And right now it is raining cats and dogs outside! I felt like Moses this morning when I took Rayna to school as it felt like I was crossing the Red Sea to get her to her classroom. The sidewalk where the gate is always floods with water. So glad we both had our rain boots on. Lorenzo's feet have finally grown into Rayna's old rain boots. He was tickled to death this morning to wear the pirate boots and enjoyed walking in the puddles. Which now I think the puddles have turned into lakes. I think I now need to channel Noah and build a boat to get anywhere. We are in a flash flood warning and expecting 3 inches of rain today. Well at least it is washing all the pollen away.

Wow! I can't believe it is May already. This is going to be one busy month. We have Cinco de Mayo on Wednesday, Mother's Day on Sunday, Lorenzo's birthday on the 17, among all the other birthdays this month, trip to Vegas, Grandpa G will be here and Rayna's last day of school is the end of May.

Yesterday Rayna had her first ballet recital. It was delayed about an hour due to a power outage. Like I've said before, never a dull moment. As we were waiting for the power to come back on, I went backstage to check on Rayna, more of a hair and make-up check then anything else, and all the girls were restless and hungry. They had been there since 1:30 p.m. and it was now 3:45 p.m. The show was supposed to start at 3 p.m. The smart mom that I am packed 2 packages of gummy snacks that were eagerly gobbled up by the girls. I felt like I was rationing out food to the survivors of some disaster victims the way they held out their little hands in anticipation of the small morsel. Thank goodness the lights came back on sooner than we were told. I'm not sure the girls would have lasted much longer. But the show must go on!

She was so adorable on stage in her little costume. I think her favorite part was she got to wear a little make-up. I will definitely be posting some pictures soon. I also have to post some pictures from the Mother's Day lunch at Rayna's school too. I'm just glad we had a babysitter for Lorenzo. He would not have been able to sit that long waiting for the show. We took Rayna out to a celebration dinner at her favorite restaurant, Cali n' Titos and then for ice cream.

I know this week and month is just going to fly on by so I better be prepared.