Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rachael Ray's Official Website - Sweet Potato Muffins

Can't wait to make these! Never thought about making muffins with sweet potatoes! Yum! Tis the season! I'll let you know how they come out.

Rachael Ray's Official Website - Sweet Potato Muffins

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Social Media -to be or not to be "social"

Myspace, facebook, twitter, google+, blogs, pinerest, linkedIn and these are just the ones I am on! I don't know about you, but I can hardly keep up! Oh, and don't forget, good ole fashion email. It almost seems weird to say that email is old fashion but it is after all over 15 years old. I actually now tell people to either fb me or send me a text. I don't even like getting on my email account anymore. Thank goodness for my Thunderbolt  phone to make everything accessible with a touch of the button, viola, checked fb, emailed and sent text messages!
So we call all of these things "Social Media" or "Social Networking" but is it really being sociable? I mean you really are just talking to your computer, not a real live human being. You might talk to a human being through your computer, but is that the same as having a real live conversation in person or even on the telephone?

Here are some definitions that I ironically of course googled for the word "Social".

  • 1 relating to society or its organization.
    ■ relating to rank and status in society: a woman of high social standing.
  • 2 needing companionship; suited to living in communities.
  • 3 relating to or designed for activities in which people meet each other for pleasure. 
Of course you can use it as an adjective or as a noun.
Here is an interesting look at the word coming from Wikipedia:
The term Social refers to a characteristic of living organisms (humans in particular, though biologists also apply the term to populations of other animals). It always refers to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary . also had some interesting definitions:
As a journalist and communications person by default, "Social Media" has really changed the way I have to think, write and of course communicate. My new job that I started in September is basically keeping up with the Social Media for the organization. It seems crazy that I actually get paid to be on fb, twitter, blogs, youtube and other websites as part of my job. When people ask what I do, I say I do what I love! I really do love checking all these sites and seeing what is going on in the world. I have to admit, it sometimes can be information overload and really hurt my brain. But for the most part it is pretty cool!

Now back to the word "Social". If you look at the definition, "needing companionship or designed activites in which people meet each other for pleasure", I guess meeting on the internet via fb can be fun, but is it really being "Social"? I am not so sure that it is. While I love all of the people and connections I have been able to make via "Social Media", I don't find it very "Social" at all. Where is the companionship and relationships? While all of this new technology is great, at the same time it makes me a little sad. I want face to face conversations or to hear your voice over the phone. I want that human contact. That is what makes us feel alive. I miss the hand written letters and cards that come via "snail-mail" aka the post office. Seeing your friend's face, hearing their voice or even receiving a letter or card from them, you feel that human connection. When I am talking on the phone, just hearing the sound of their voice I feel connected because I can tell whether or not they are happy, sad, mad, or anything else that might be going on in their life. I always get a mental picture in my mind of what the person looks like and what they might be doing while I am talking to them. This helps me make that social connection.
Same thing if I receive a letter or card in the mail. Like just today I received a postcard from my friend Amanda from when she was on her honeymoon in Barcelona, Spain. Not only do I love looking at the pictures on the postcard, but I can imagine her there, and I can hear her voice in my head as I read the card. And that my friends is a social connection! I guess it kinda helps that I have been to Spain too, so I probably have a better image in my head. But all the same, as I am reading the postcard I feel the connection and really wish I could have been there with her. 

I by no means am saying that Social Media or Social Networking is bad. As I have stated before, I love my job and I love being on these sites. But at the same time, I don't think the word "Social" is the right adjective to describe these sites. Somebody just coined the phrase and now it has stuck. I just don't want people to loose that human connection to the word "social". Let's not forget that God did make us to be Social creatures, not creatures of the internet.
You tell me, how important is human connection to you? Don't you just sometimes want to talk to a real, live human being? Or see their actual face, not just their profile picture?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Betty Crocker

I have now deemed Sundays as my domesticated day of the week. Cleaning, laundry, baking and other household duties as needed. In an attempt to find different things to put in Rayna's lunch for snacks, I have decided to bake different kinds of muffins each week. I started out with Zucchini muffins, last week I made chocolate chip banana muffins and today, pumpkin muffins. Along with the pumpkin muffins Randy has asked me to make a pumpkin cream cheese roll. I have never made one of these before but it shouldn't be too hard, just time consuming.
While all of that is baking, I have vacuumed, laundry started, dishes done and helped Rayna clean her room. Needing to let the pumpkin roll cool before putting the filling in, we went on a family adventure to Bear Hallow Zoo and hiked on the Birchmore Trail. It was a nice short little hike. We could really see the effects of the drought with the little creek that runs through the trail. It was pretty much non-existent. So the kids were playing on the rocks of the creek bed. We had not been to Bear Hallow in a long time. It was the perfect time to go around 6 p.m. as the animals were pretty active. We actually got to see the bear cubs moving around and the bob cats. Dill Pickle the alligator was also moving around. We were able to see him swimming underwater with the turtles. I've never seen an alligator underwater. It was pretty cool to watch him through the glass, standing on his back legs with barely his head above the water to breathe.
Well I will have to say that my pumpkin roll turned out AWESOME!! I mean, it's pumpkin and cream cheese mixed together, what's not to love!
Here is pretty much the recipe I used. I did use a lot of the hints and tricks off the reviews that made it easier.
Now I feel like fall has officially begun, got to wear jeans all weekend and the first batch of pumpkin bread has been made. Yeah, for fall!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Single/Working Mom

Is it Friday yet? This is the question I have been asking myself since Monday. It's been a long week to say the least. I just got back on Monday from spending the weekend in Seattle at my dear friend Amanda's wedding. While it was fun and good to hang out, I am tired. They say you always need a vacation from your vacation, which is totally true. So I got back Monday afternoon, only to have Randy leave early Tuesday morning for NY. Not only do I not like the fact that I got to see my husband for less than 24 hours but I also started my new job on Tuesday. So this week has really been a balancing act of being mom, working, going to PTO meetings and everything else in-between. Not fun!
Hats off to all the working/single moms out there! Definitely not my cup of tea! Hopefully things will settle down next week as we get back to a more  normal schedule. It's just been super crazy around here with me starting my new job.
Speaking of which, yes, I have a new job that I am super duper excited about. I am working as the Marketing and Communications Specialist for the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia. It's part-time with Fridays off! The best part, I now get paid to be on facebook and twitter! How cool is that! And I get to play around on their website! I love it! I haven't worked in the communications field in over 7 years. While I have enjoyed teaching Spanish to all my little ones, I have missed the creative side of things.
God is Good All the Time! It truly is amazing how He works in my life. I know for a fact that I would not have this job if it wasn't for God leading me in this direction. I didn't even apply for this position, I had applied for another position listed on their website but they saw that I was more qualified for this position instead. Praise the Lord!! He knew what I really needed. Well on that note, I am going to call it a day and head to bed. Hopefully God willing, tomorrow will be a better day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

I got this from another blog as it has been posted all over Facebook but wanted to re-post it here. As Swim season is upon us, this is great information to know. Be smart and respect the water! This is great stuff to know for those that are not trained lifeguards. I take water safety very seriously. I have been a lifeguard since I was 18 and even when I am in a public pool, I feel like I am on duty. You never stop scanning the water. Now that I have my own kids, I am very diligent about teaching them water safety. You never know when you might have to use this information. Right after I posted this to facebook yesterday, my friend read it and had to apply it to her little boy. Please click on the link below, you never know, it could save a life.

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

Summer Time

Yes, it is a officially summer. Not quite sure how that happened. I swear we were just on Spring Break. Well we started our summer off with a bang, a road trip to my sister's house in Weslaco, TX. For those of you that are not familiar with how big Texas really is, Weslaco is on the Western border, way down in the toe. It took us two days to drive 1260 miles one way. You can actually see the border wall to Mexico from my sister's house. We had a great time visiting with family. We all came down to see my nephew graduate from high school. It hardly seems possible that he is going off to college in the fall. It seems like yesterday I was changing his diapers. So proud of him, graduating at the top of his class and scoring some scholarships along the way. Way to go Cameron!

We returned home to summer in full swing with 90 degree plus weather, swim lessons, gymnastics and Tae Kwon Do. So much for relaxing this summer!!! No rest for the weary or is that the wicked? :) You decide. Yesterday alone I drove 90 miles. Today was somewhere around 50 or so. Oh and this week the kids have vacation Bible school. It never ends, there is always something going on.
Right now I am listening to the thunderstorm outside. I love listening to storms. We really need the rain. I am pretty proud of the little garden we have planted. We have tomatoes, corn, carrots, and pumpkins so far. We even had some strawberries in the spring. I didn't think the strawberries were going to come back after Poppy mowed them over last year.

Well our next trip isn't until July. We are going to family camp at Colhutta Springs. I can't wait! A whole week of no cooking! Oh and of course I can't wait to show and share with the kids the joys of camp! I think this will be one of our best family vacations yet! We have one more trip planned right before school starts. We are going camping on the beach at Panama City Beach. We will be using Poppy's "bus" to came in. He has a little motor home that he is going to let us borrow. And we get to bring Bauer.

Of course every day is always a new adventure in the Gaytan house. Look for more summer adventures soon.
God Bless!