Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mystery Solved

As for all of you that are wondering about the butternut squash soup, it was delicious! I made it today for dinner. Rayna even eagerly ate it up. Lorenzo was eying it like he wanted some too. It made the house smell really good too. I ended up making him a bowl of rice cereal. Yes, he is eating solid food already. He had two bowls of rice cereal today. I was trying to hold out a little longer to at least 5 months old to start him on solids but he has just been so interested in food. He started throwing a fit tonight because he saw Rayna and I eating and he didn't have anything. Thus, the second bowl of cereal.

Mystery solved about where Rayna got the idea to call the box her "underground house". It is from one of her books called "The Gruffalo". In the book the fox goes to his "underground house". And here I thought she was making a reference to Digital Underground, silly me!!

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