Ah, another Monday! Just not quite ready for this week to begin. I don't think the weekend was long enough recovery time from the previous week. That and Randy is out of town again this week to the wintery-wonderland of good ole Detroit, MI. He almost forgot that he needed to pack his winter jacket. I just try and take one day at a time. That is all anybody can do.
So Rayna has been really into telling "Knock, Knock" jokes lately. She just loves making up the silliest things. It doesn't matter to her whether it makes sense or not, the silly the better. On the way home today from Tae Kwon Do we precede to have the banter of "knock, Knock" jokes. Here are a couple of the good ones I remember Rayna coming up with:
Rayna: Knock, Knock
Me: Who's there?
Rayna: Butterfly
Me: Butterfly who?
Rayna: Butterfly, fly back to me, I love you.
Rayna: Knock, Knock
Me: Who's there?
Rayna: Rainbow
Me: Rainbow who?
Rayna: Unicorn, slide down the rainbow to get to the other side.
That kid cracks me up. Never a dull moment in the Gaytan house.
Which reminds me of the car ride to school this morning; we were listening to the radio and the song, "What Faith can do", by Kutless came on. My kids never cease to amaze me. I wasn't too surprised when Rayna started singing the song because she picks up on everything, it was when Lorenzo joined in and they were both looking at each other while they were singing. It's moments like these that my heart swells with overflowing love and pride and humility. Sometimes I can hardly believe that these two precious little people are my children. What a great way to start the day! I love my kids! And in case you are not sure what song I am talking about, here is the link to it. A very powerful and moving song by itself, but coupled with your children singing their little hearts out in the car, PRICELESS!
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